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History of Knob and Tube Wiring

The Fascinating History of Knob and Tube Wiring

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The Fascinating History of Knob and Tube Wiring

Knob and tube wiring, once a standard for electrical installations. Now it’s a subject that still sparks interest among enthusiasts and historians alike. This unique method of wiring has a rich history that spans over a century. In this article, we delve into the origins, evolution, and eventual decline of knob and tube wiring, while also providing insight into its key features. Let’s take a journey back in time to discover how this system revolutionized the world of electrical installations and what led to its ultimate decline.

The Birth of Knob and Tube Wiring

Knob and tube wiring first made its appearance in the late 19th century, becoming the go-to method for wiring homes and buildings in North America [1]. Invented by George H. Harris and Edward R. Callender, this revolutionary method of wiring was granted a patent in the United States in 1888, paving the way for widespread use.

How Knob and Tube Wiring Works

The name “knob and tube” is derived from the two main components of the system: porcelain knobs and tubes. The knobs served as insulators, holding the individual conductors, while the tubes protected the wires as they passed through wooden framing members. So simplicity and effectiveness of this design contributed to its popularity.

The knob and tube system relied on two separate conductors for electricity to flow – one hot and one neutral. These conductors were separated by a minimum distance to prevent short-circuiting and reduce the risk of fire. This design provided an efficient and safe method for wiring, which was well-suited to the needs of the time.

Transition to Modern Wiring Systems

Despite its success, the advent of newer and more advanced wiring systems in the mid-20th century led to the decline of knob and tube installations. The increasing demand for higher amperage to power modern appliances, along with the need for more grounding in electrical systems, made the limitations of the knob and tube system apparent. The introduction of the more versatile and safer Romex (non-metallic sheathed cable) in the 1960s accelerated the decline of knob and tube wiring [2].

Safety Concerns and Legacy

Today, knob and tube wiring is considered obsolete and is rarely used in new construction. While the system is generally considered safe when properly maintained, issues can arise from modifications, deterioration, or improper grounding. Due to these concerns, many insurance companies are hesitant to provide coverage for properties that still contain knob and tube wiring.

A Fascinating Chapter

The history of knob and tube wiring is a fascinating chapter in the evolution of electrical installations. As the first widely-accepted wiring method in North America, it played a significant role in shaping modern electrical systems. Although its use has diminished over time, the legacy of knob and tube wiring lives on as a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of those who first brought electricity into our homes.

AS always, consult with your electrician when your dealing with Knob and Tube removal in Seattle.


[1] Smithsonian Institution. (n.d.). Knob and Tube Wiring. America on the Move. Retrieved from

[2] United States Department of Agriculture. (1956). Rural Electrification. Yearbook of Agriculture 1956. Retrieved from

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